Saturday, February 8, 2014


Few weeks ago my husband got the small red spot and itchiness over his body. I thought it's some kind of allergy and asked him not to worry so much. I was wrong! He went to see doctor one week after that and doctor told him that he got scabies. Scabies is a kind of parasitic skin infection. Oh no, i hate parasite! They suck our blood, stay in our body and make us miserable. The itchiness is unbearable and become worse at night. He was then prescribed by the skin specialist some bottles of white lotion.


Scabies are easily transmitted through close contact of body skin. I do not understand how he got transmitted. And now i am the one who sleep beside him, i am in the great risk of getting this parasite too! Oh no... I am quite worried of this since i am now going to deliver anytime. The symptom may not appear up to two months. What if the parasite is on my body and i transmit to my newborn? 

Search through the internet, the person staying together should get the treatment at the same time. So i went to see the doctor for consultation. Which medication should i use now? Obviously he prescribed to my husband the third line anti-scabies medication, which is called lindane. 3rd line? i don't understand why. There is other better and more effective medication. In the end he prescribed me Crotamiton cream. Well, i bought myself Permethrin (a-scabs) and asked him whether it's safe to apply for pregnant woman. 

His itchiness remained 2 weeks after the first application of lindane. In between he shift to permethrin twice (one week apart) as directed. He can't bear the itchiness and went to see the doctor the second time. The doctor asked him to apply lindane everyday until the itchiness resolved. Hmm.. some doctors have their own practice which never comply to guideline. We pharmacist the one always remind them about the guideline and never be so flexible with the so-called practice. According to the reference, lindane should not be repeated in less than a week! Lindane is only used when the alternatives not available or not effective. Why should the doctor ask my husband to apply this lotion everyday? This lotion has more side effects too. I don't think it's appropriate. And should i label this doctor as "mongolian doctor"? I've forbidden my husband to see this skin specialist in the future. Guideline is always the guideline. If you don't follow the guideline and the refernece, why should it exist?

Always look for reliable website for the information you need. For this infection, you can refer CDC

According to the National Antibiotic Guidelines 2008, the preferred treatment for scabies is Benzyl Benzoate emulsion 25% (EBB) applied for 2 days continuously. Alternatives are Lindane and Permethrin 5% cream. For pregnant woman, sulphur 6% in calamine lotion, crotamiton cream and permehtrin 5% can be applied. In government clinic. EBB and lindane are available.

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